Male to Female Transgender Gift Ideas: Show Support and Love

As a female let me just say that I am one that enjoys comfort over stilettos. When you find out that you have a daughter who is very much a girly girl and tries to assist them with their transition when you have just turned fifty and comfort is at the fore – all I can say is let the fun begin.

As well as learning about hair removal, hair color, and make-up application (oh, those eyebrows – in my day, all we wanted was to get rid of them – LOL), and you can throw in fashion – argh!

Anything for love, right?

I have compiled a list of thoughtful and personal gift ideas, from practical to luxurious and even sentimental, that will make your loved one feel special. There is something on the gift list for every style and budget.

MTF transdender gift ideas

Check out the gift ideas now…

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Gifts for Transgender Women

So here is a load of items that I have purchased as well as many things that are still at the top of my daughter’s wish list.

I truly hope that you will be able to choose something that your friend or loved one will cherish. You will be halfway there if you find something from the items listed below. They will love it because you have purchased something they really need or want from their own wish list.

Hair Removal

In my daughter’s case, hair removal was and to some extent still is one of the most challenging she experiences daily – even after two years on hormones. Electrolysis was carried out for permanent hair removal from her face. Her body hair is shaved, and then she uses a hair removal machine at home.

Extreme care should be taken when using or applying any type of hair removal system. The last thing your friend needs is damaged skin – poor love has enough to think about.

Electrolysis Hair Removal

Electrolysis is the most effective and most expensive form of permanent hair removal available. So it is probably not on the gift idea list for you – but if you know if and where your friend receives her electrolysis maybe you could purchase a gift certificate for her.

If she has not considered this type of permanent hair removal a thorough investigation should be carried out to find a qualified professional to have this type of procedure carried out.

Laser Hair Removal

Targeted beams of laser light are used to kill hair follicles. This type of hair removal lasts quite a long time and can be permanent for some people. Click on the image below to see this one for yourself.

This is the one we bought. I use it myself, and it really works. As with anything, it takes time. But once those hairs are gone, they are gone for good. It is funny to watch the hairs grow in areas you can not reach easily. After further continued use, you can get rid of those as well.

Tip: use this pot of laser cream supplied after use – it leaves your skin feeling wonderful.

Body Waxing

Good old-fashioned body waxing is an option but not permanent. A professional waxing can be carried out regularly or they might prefer as many ladies do to carry out their waxing at home this is the one my daughter chose, from reviews because the prices are very similar, and it is available at Amazon.

Face and Hair Depilatories Cream

Inexpensive but not as effective (or, I believe) as waxing. Involves using the creams to decompose hair shafts. This hair removal lasts longer than shaving but will grow back and the process is carried out again. There is an awesome range at Amazon! This is the one my daughter has used and approved of.


Time-consuming as we know it has to be carried out almost every day also you only feel smooth for a day. If this is your friend’s hair removal method, she will welcome good quality razers and a great organic moisturizer.

These are our preferred razors because they do not tear the skin apart.


Skincare for women is ever-evolving and changes throughout our lives. As with everything else a transgender female will have very different skincare requirements as the medication alone will alter her skin.

A voucher to visit a professional who can advise your friend on the types of products she should be using will greatly benefit her total complexion. She will find that when the correct products are used she will look and feel better, and even makeup applications will look better.

As you are in control of the purchase of the voucher I would strongly advise the application of organic natural products without harsh chemicals – the fewer chemicals for her the better.

Forming this habit sooner rather than later is a good thing. Natural products are available all over now and do not have to be expensive.

If you already know her skin type you can always buy a gift pack or make up a basket of products. Fill it with facial skincare products, lip balms, hands, feet, and body lotions.



Makeup comes to a close second to hair removal for some. Because makeup, when applied effectively, can totally change how a person feels about themselves. Not to mention how they look to the outside world – which is extremely important.

Check out a mineral makeup primer that is cruelty-free and vegan below.

Makeup Lessons

Sure, these days, anyone can go online to YouTube and choose someone they would like to follow and learn how to apply makeup.

Absolutely, they should do that, and why not join in yourself – I am telling you, the techniques I have picked up have been amazing. I actually apply foundation correctly now to hide the flaws – LOL (Pisst – I am also following a lovely lady with tips for ladies over fifty – awesome!)

Just imagine giving your friend a face-to-face makeup lesson – with a professional – the information she will pick up in regards to her skin and features that someone on YouTube cannot offer will be priceless.

Makeup or Kits

If you know what brands and colors of makeup she likes topping up her supply will be appreciated alternatively you might like to purchase a kit where everything is conveniently in one place. These kits can be bought anywhere brands, quality and prices vary – so there is truly one available for any budget.


It is highly likely that your friend already has long hair, which is probably the only thing she would have been able to present publicly without suspicion from others.

But a new style could be on the cards or at the very least a pampering treatment to get that hair healthy. Transgender females can be very reluctant to have their hair cut or even trimmed, they want hair so they can appear very female.

After many years of letting her hair grow and not trimming it, allowing it to become very unhealthy – I now pay for my daughter to have her hair treated and trimmed every eight weeks. (By a very trusted hairstylist friend whom she trusts)

It took at least eighteen months for the hair to become healthy. But the best surprise was when she came home the very first time with a style cut that was very much shorter than she usually wears it.

Confidence – is priceless!!!

So a gift for your friend to do with your hair. Either a gift certificate to a salon (make sure you go with her and make a day of it – you deserve pampering, too) or some products or tools she can use at home every day!

See the ones we chose at Amazon click the image above. Once again, it was purchased for the best reviews. Prices vary, but there is something to suit everyone.


Eyebrow shaping (by our trusted stylist) has also been a godsend for my daughter. Along with the hair, they are kept in great shape every eight weeks.


Acrylic or gel nails professionally applied are an awesome gift that she can use at any time.

A professional manicure/pedicure if she has never had one – once again, go together and make a day of it.

A nail polish kit for home use includes a good quality hand cream. There are even do-it-yourself gel nail kits available. Click on the image below and check out the price for this full starter kit which is available at Amazon.


Unfortunately, just like the rest of us, newlyborn females will buy and love clothing, underwear, and shoes, and they will also buy and dislike them. Their body shape will also change many times during the transition process, so buying clothing as needed is a great idea.

Even thrift shopping is great for handling body shape requirements and comfort.

Some thrift shops offer shopping vouchers!


You know how hard it is to find comfortable underwear for yourself, either male or female. Imagine trying to fit into female-style underwear with a masculine shape.

With the help of medication, this shape will be changing over time so some pretty bras, as well as comfortable bralettes without underwires, would be the most comfortable for her.

Too hard? – just go the gift card route – let her choose her own…

Comfortable Casuals and Nightwear

Comfortable cotton daywear, sports gear, pajamas, nightgowns, robes (sexy or warm and practical) and don’t forget the fluffy slippers.


In this instance, due to the difficulty that some can have in purchasing shoes, to fit I would opt for a gift voucher. The feet will also change in size and shape during the transition period. (Definitely, a gift to keep in mind for the future!)


Wow, I thought I had accessories, my new daughter walks back into the house with something new every time she leaves. Sometimes, she does not leave the house – thank you “WISH” – always something new in the mailbox.


Hormones during the transition will affect how one likes or dislikes a fragrance – something they once liked they can no longer bear to wear – this also happens to us all – tastes change over time.

Sampler packs are fantastic if you are unsure of what fragrance she likes – you may even end up with a new little bottle yourself – she won’t like them all surely!

Handbag or Wallet

You know what she likes – find something to her taste either a little smaller or a little larger than what she would usually use she then has another couple of options. Six colors are available in The Sak.

We can never have too many handbags or shoes.


No ears pierced yet! Good old-fashioned clip-on earrings are still available for every fashion taste.


A beautiful scarf to add to or start her collection. Make sure it is a little luxurious.

Mobile Phone Covers

So many great ones out there that they are just like fashion accessories – one for every occasion.

Gym Membership

Membership in a gym can be a great way to assist in body transformation. There are professionals on hand who will be able to assist in the correct exercises and cardio to help with the body’s transformation.

I am certain you can find a gym that will let you purchase a number of credits to try the gym out before making a year-long commitment.

Get one for yourself while you are there and attend together to keep each other motivated and away from the chocolates – LOL!!!


Movies, streaming subscriptions, theatre tickets, game tickets, and books are options for any entertainment-type gift.


I cannot stress enough that, more often than not, the gift of your time, attention, and love means more to your friend or loved one than any gift you could purchase. A tangible gift is just like icing on a cake.

Also offering to go with them out into the world even on simple errands makes their world a whole lot easier and you can take it from me eventually they will leave the house on their own and that bonding time is gone.

    Final Thoughts – Male to Female Transgender Gift Ideas

    You will see that I have deliberately avoided a “transgender gift guide” that gives you ideas like gender-affirming gifts, transgender accessories, and transgender supplies! Purely because we ourselves do not walk around informing others of our gender and I for one want gifts for myself not for others to see.

    Some of our friends and loved ones are not hiding but on the other side do not feel that it is anyone’s business but their own how they present in public.

    It can be an extremely uncomfortable and difficult time for all involved when a transition is occurring or has taken place.

    But it really does not have to be if you are a female just think of everything you use, need, and want. If you are a male purchasing a gift just think of anything you might buy your mother, sister, or girlfriend.

    Also, remember that our loved ones are just like us, human beings, who celebrate their birthday, Christmas, and every other holiday just like before – their gift preferences may have just changed. That is all…

    Best of luck finding the perfect gifts for the trans woman in your life.

    Gift ideas for someone special…