Gifts for a Bedridden Elderly Loved One
We all know how difficult it is to buy suitable gifts for anyone who is getting older they either do not want more items they don’t use or they already have them. The solution is to give them memory gifts such as outings, dinners, parties, or even experience gifts if they are mobile.
What happens when they are no longer mobile?
Life is difficult enough but as we get older we manage to get used to not being as mobile as we once were. Today we live in a world where we have the assistance of mobility products available today to make our lives easier.
Unfortunately, some elderly people as they age become bedridden, and being bedridden is not the same for all. Some are very ill, and some have mobility issues but are still very alert and active so gift selection can be difficult.
So whether it is a temporary or permanent situation I have compiled an awesome list of gift suggestions for your bedridden loved one.
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Gift Ideas for the Bedridden Elderly
These gifts will assist with comfort, practical daily living, safety, and, let’s not forget, a little bit of fun and pampering.
Weighted Blanket
Weighted blankets are blankets that are designed to cover you with 10% of your body weight to keep you warm or cool.
As well as the obvious snuggle factor, people use them to treat many disorders, including insomnia, restless legs, muscle and joint pain, and much more.
I love the one above because it is made from sustainable chemical-free organic cotton and glass beads.
A bonus with this weighted blanket is that it was designed in the USA and suits both hot and cold sleepers.
For all the weighted blankets I buy, I always purchase a washable duvet cover that keeps the blanket in great condition.
Using this duvet cover on the weighted blanket on a bed with someone bedridden will keep the blanket clean and fresh as well as having the outside cover washed and freshened up regularly.
Compression Socks
These fun compression socks will be a talking point when your loved one gets visitors. Make no mistake: for those who are bedridden, compression socks make them more comfortable.
Blood flow is improved, as is oxygen flow, which prevents swelling and cramping and helps with muscle aches and recovery.
Click on the image above to see the fantastic color range – one pair for every day – into the wash ready for next use – so they are also hygienic.
Please don’t think this is an awful gift.
The bedridden would not survive without wedges, and there are so many different kinds for all areas of the bed and body for sleeping, relaxing, and sitting up.
It is inexpensive, comfortable, and practical. I have yet to see one that does it all – a little bit of Sherlock Homes to find out if they require any extra wedges.
4. Tables
An absolute must is a sturdy, stable table that moves with ease from the bedside across the front of your loved one. To be used for eating, drinking, personal applications to face and hair, electronics, reading, puzzles, and games.
Just about everything they do will be on this table, so it is money well spent on having something of great quality. So many are available, but I love the ones that mimic the ones they use in hospitals.
I found a great one with wheels here at Amazon. Please go check it out. If it is not what you are looking for, go around and look at many more designs…
Remote Control
Not all television remote controls are made equal. The elderly require big buttons and one that is extremely easy to use. The one pictured above offers all that, as well as being able to read favorite channels, IR televisions, cable, satellite, and soundbars.
I know if something like a remote control didn’t work, my grandparents would just give up. Turn it off and read or sleep – sad.
So when you are looking for a remote control, get something suitable for an elderly person. They want on/off and volume – easy.
Bluetooth Headphones
If your loved one is bedridden, they will be around others, so headphones are a great way to block out the noise of others. They can also keep others comfortable while they enjoy their favorite music or television programs – as loud as they like…
Check out the shapes, sizes, and colors of these headphones.
Photo Frames
You can hang Family photo frames on the wall where they can see family photos every day. They come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. Easy access at the back to put the photos in and hand them on the wall. You can change the photos around occasionally for a new bit of scenery.
Everyone loves books; if your loved one is a reader, they will go through them like crazy. Apart from purchasing books, you might consider visiting the library every other week on behalf of your loved one. They will love you running errands on their behalf, giving them something to look forward to. See you every couple of weeks…
So many binge-watching opportunities with Netflix – share a subscription or get their own.
Gift Baskets
A gift basket should come with the Netflix membership, “I say” – but they don’t. Something to enjoy while binge-watching is a must.
Baskets can be filled with beautiful teas, chocolates, candies (soft), cookies, and cakes – well, you know what they like.
Checking in with a carer or doctor beforehand might be a good idea just in case there are restrictions. See a huge chocolate selection (Amazon) there is something for everyone’s budget.
Flowers or Plants
You could send them some flowers every month or so. There are even plant rental and maintenance services available, and they work out what will flourish in a certain environment and place the right plant in. They come to care for it very economical and they even swap them out on request.
Another thing for your loved one to get used to is the visit from the plant carer – they always have a smile and a chat.
As always, I cannot bang on enough about the fact that the most important gift in the world is you. This is especially true in the case of the elderly.
They have lived full, busy, long lives, and sometimes, as they get older, they become lonely because we are all out living our full, busy, long lives.
All it takes is a regular telephone call or visit. Go play cards with them, and read them magazines or books. Watch some of that television and eat treats with them. Take them some home-cooked meals or treats.
You can never get time back – it moves very quickly.
Final Thoughts on Gifts for a Bedridden Elderly Loved One
Whether you are shopping for a gift for a bedridden elderly man or woman, I hope that I have given you some ideas you had not thought of.
Giving your bedridden loved one something that will make their daily life a little more comfortable, pampered, practical, safe, and fun is very special.
I am sure they will love the fact that you have given them something thoughtful that they can actually use to make their day-to-day living easier.
Gift ideas for someone special…
Michelle – Author
Hi, I’m Michelle the founder, owner, and editor of Gifts for Someone Special. I believe the best gift to give is one that has been thought out with love and consideration. I search for the best gifts for you to consider giving your someone special.