2nd Trimester Gifts the Mom to Be Will Love
If you have landed on this page because you would like some gift ideas for your spouse, loved one, or friend! You will not be disappointed!
2nd Trimester Gifts The Mom To Be Will Love
- My number one choice and the most practical gift boxes around today is the 2nd Trimester BumpBox.
- Baby Announcement Memorabilia
- Comfort gifts Bra’s, Pajamas, Slippers, and Support Tanks
- Support Pregnancy Pillows
- Relaxation – Bath Bombs, Essential Oils, and Oil Diffusers

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I have collated many ideas that will help the new mum to feel more confident, comfortable, relaxed, loved, and beautiful.
If you have landed here as the mum to be I hope you will get some ideas to care for yourself on a daily basis. That will allow you to enjoy this fantastic stage of your pregnancy.
Hopefully, her nausea has subsided, she is not feeling quite as tired as in the 1st trimester, and some of the first trimester concerns and worries have disappeared.
What is the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? The second trimester takes place between 13 weeks to 28 weeks and it is time to move into the serene part of her pregnancy.
Read on for many more great gift ideas that are both practical and fun. If you want to check out all the Bump Box details for yourself at Amazon.
2nd Trimester Gifts the Mom-to-Be Will Love
The following gift-giving guide includes the all-important second-trimester essentials as well as the absolute best gifts for mothers-to-be.
1. Baby Announcement
If you are the mother or father-to-be and you have not made your pregnancy announcement yet there are so many fun ways you can do this click on the image below to check some out.
Let’s Tackle Confidence
2. Clothing
She is going to start showing soon and her body is going to change in unbelievable ways. This means the waistbands will be getting a little tighter and eventually all over a little bigger.
So clothing that makes her feel comfortable and lovely is a must. You could start with some maternity clothes and it depends on the season as to what clothes you look at.
If the weather is warm comfortable loose-fitting dresses that will see her through until the end of the pregnancy and beyond are awesome. Lovely ones that do not require ironing are always a great choice.
If the weather is cooler maternity pants and skirts, especially if she is working will never go astray. Complete the look with either a casual, business, or evening maternity top or shirt.
This beautiful dress by Beachcoco Women’s Maternity 3/4 Sleeve Long Length Lace Dress falls into the easy-care category and you can check it out at Amazon by clicking on the image above.
3. Clothing Gift Cards
If you are unsure of her clothing requirements like size and preferred taste. Gift cards are specifically available everywhere.
Are gifts such as these not in the budget? What about a belly belt as an extra to a different gift you may choose?
4. Belly Belts
What is a belly belt you say! It is a 3-inch or so waistband extension device and can be used on the mom-to-be’s existing clothing.
5. Pajamas, Nightgowns, and Bras
Comfy pajamas, nightgowns, and bras are a must and there are some beautiful ones available today.
Although beauty does not always equal comfort which above all else is a must for a mum-to-be.
A pair that grows with you during the pregnancy and then also allows you to breastfeed is priceless.
The ones I love are from Kindred Bravely not only are their products beautiful, comfortable, and practical.
But they have been designed for today’s moms by a mother of two preschool boys.
She was very discouraged during maternity and nursing because she was not able to find comfortable pieces that still made her look and feel good.
So she went on to design (along with other mothers) pajamas in various styles, nightgowns, robes, bras, underwear, and many more items a mother and mother-to-be needs.
Take a look and click the image below to see the great range of styles and colors for yourself…
6. Support Tank
Support tanks do as they say they provide support. Kindred Bravely also has a great support tank with a built-in shelf bra that drops down the cups using the nursing clips.
So easy access for breastfeeding or using the breast pump. Removable cups and adjustable straps are also must-have features.
7. Slippers
Everyone loves comfy slippers, I just saw a pair of cashmere slippers complete with comfy memory foam soles on Amazon for under $14.00. Go check the range out.
2nd Trimester Side Effects
8. Swollen Feet
Foot Soaker, Bath, Massager my favorite is the HoMedics Foot Salon Pro Footbath.
It has many features for a reasonable price. Heat boosts power, it massages the feet using a vibration method.
This machine has pedicure spa attachments and a handy splash guard. It also has built-in storage for the cord and oils or foot soaks.
Sitting with feet elevated on a footstool for home and work does help with the fluid and swelling.
If your loved one is standing all day at work or another. They really should have a support mat under their feet.
The three H’s Hunger, Hydration, and Heartburn
9. Hunger
Snacks on hand especially if she is working, bars, crackers, nuts, and peppermint to suck.
10. Hydration
A great water bottle (or two) to keep mum hydrated. One that goes in the dishwasher would be thoughtful.
11. Heartburn
To me, it felt as though when nausea ceased the heartburn kicked right in. It didn’t matter what I ate as soon as I lay down there it was.
There are many elixirs on the market but I found combining them with slight elevation when lying down was the key to my heartburn relief.
If it becomes unmanageable your physician should be notified.
Morning Sickness
Continued Nausea – Crackers and water ready on the bedside table to consume before putting her feet on the ground. It worked for me during my two pregnancies.
Caffeine-free teas that contain peppermint, spearmint, and ginger help relieve nausea symptoms as well as keep mum to be well hydrated.
The old fallback of sucking mints, ginger chews even Preggo Pops can relieve nausea. There are many brands and flavors on the market today.
11. Pregnancy Pillows
A pregnancy pillow or a body pillow is very popular with expectant mothers as they are of great support and comfort.
Not only when sleeping. They can also be used when propped up in bed or even on the sofa when watching television.
The pillows can also be used to support the new bub while mum is feeding or cuddling them after he or she is born. See a great one by clicking the image above.
Stretch marks and skin itches start developing in the 2nd trimester. There are many products available today that treat these side effects before they become a real problem.
12. Support from You
Support comes in many forms that do not require gifts. Just being there is the biggest gift anyone can give. Other ideas include preparing some freezer meals especially if she is a working mum.
What about a spring clean, doing some laundry, or ironing? Massage her feet, take her to the store occasionally, or volunteer to go for her.
Go to some appointments with her. As well as the great company it is always better to sit in a waiting room with someone to talk to.
No need to walk around the store and go out for morning or afternoon tea.
I’m sure you can think of a dozen little things you could do for your loved one.
13. Essential Oils
Bath Bombs, essential oils, or the good old Epsom salts in the bath will bring great relief.
So a good soak in the bath before bed to relieve the various aches and pains like back, ankles, fluid retention, sleeplessness, and the list goes on.
Essential oils that can be used in a diffuser and the fragrances you choose can be uplifting, inspiring even relaxing.
As the oils are delivered via a cool-mist delivery system and the oils are not being heated or burned none of their essential properties are broken down. So you get the full benefit from the natural oils.
This is one of my favorite essential oil mist diffusers to give as a gift anytime check it out.
Organic Pure Essential Oils – Ensure you only purchase the best oils without any additives.
14. Spa Visit
Spa pampering and pedicures are always a welcome gift.
If that is not in the budget there are safe nail polishes and removers available for expectant moms. As well as lovely safe moisturizers.
You could even give her a foot massage yourself. Foot baths are not expensive even a large bucket will suffice.
A lovely soak in essential oils and a foot massage then a mani-pedi. Nice!
Pregnancy Gift Baskets
With so many gift baskets available you will need to consider the products that are in some of these baskets.
For example, a pamper gift basket may contain body butter, stretch mark oils, acne treatment, and moisturizers that should be toxin-free and safe for mother and baby.
You will not have to look far to find a basket that contains organic lotions, oils, and even fabrics.
Bit of Fun in the Second Trimester
15. Belly Cast Kit
What about a Belly Cast Kit? They have been designed to work in much the same way as when you take casts of your baby’s or children’s hands or feet.
The possibilities of how the mum and family decorate it are endless. As is where to hang it on a wall in your home. I vote to hang them in the nursery.
16. Gender Reveal Party
If you have found out the gender of your baby and want to share it with others you could have a party.
Or maybe something a little different is to create a video and post it on “your pregnancy page” or your YouTube channel.
17. Baby Heart Rate Monitors
There are baby heart rate monitors that come complete with headphones so she can listen to her baby’s heart beating whenever she wants. Some of these machines allow you to record the heartbeat. There are also applications that allow the mother to be to play jingles, record messages create albums, and a heap more fun and interesting pregnancy and baby projects.
18. Stork Bags
I am loving Stork Bags full of 2nd-trimester essentials these bags are ever-evolving with the best and safest products for mothers and babies to be. They are available for the first trimester, second trimester, and third trimesters. Each one comes with different items that suit the particular time of the pregnancy.
Stork bags include stretch mark oil or cream, clothing adjusters such as a Bellie band, bump bar, relaxation items, health, and beauty items, and much more.
I also love this Earth Mamma pack for pampering the mother to be…
Final Thoughts – 2nd Trimester Gifts the Mom to Be Will Love
So what is a good gift for a pregnant woman? It is one that is carefully thought out with love and attention to detail. Having insider knowledge is also a tremendous advantage.
Well, I truly hope I have given you some great pregnancy gift ideas that will not break the bank. That I’m sure your mom-to-be will love and appreciate.
Gift ideas for someone special…
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Michelle – Author
Hi, I’m Michelle the founder, owner, and editor of Gifts for Someone Special. I believe the best gift to give is one that has been thought out with love and consideration. I search for the best gifts for you to consider giving your someone special.