1st Trimester Gifts Every Mom-to-be Will Love

So you have just found out that your friend is pregnant for the very first time. If you have had a baby yourself you will remember the excitement and happiness that new moms-to-be experience when they first find out that they are pregnant.

1st Trimester Gifts She Will Love

  • Pregnancy Book
  • Pregnancy Journal
  • Baby Name Book
  • Nausea Relief – Mints, Peppermints, Gin Gins, Ginger Chews, Tummy drops, or Preggo Pops
  • Gift Baskets
  • Gift Cards
  • Bump Box – my favorite, and they are available for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters

When this calms down and reality kicks in they can then suddenly be overcome by the unknown road ahead.

We all want to shower gifts on someone who is so happy and excited, but knowing what to buy and keeping up with the times can be overwhelming.

Well, the great news is that I have put together some gift ideas that even you may not have thought of. She will be so happy that you care enough to help make this special and exciting time even more memorable.

Read on for more ideas on the first-trimester must-haves.

1st trimester gifts

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My favorite gift is one of the Bump Boxes. Check them out for yourself.

Click on each image to check out the gift ideas as well as their styles, colors, and prices…

Complete List of 1st Trimester Gifts

1. Pregnancy Book

A pregnancy book is a must for the first time, mom, they are filled with all the information she will need on her first pregnancy journey.

My favorite is “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel. It is a best seller all around the world. You can see it by clicking the image below.

2. Pregnancy Journal

People come out of the woodwork when you are pregnant and talk to you about all things pregnancy and babies. Sometimes you can collect some awesome ideas.

So if you have a dedicated book you are able to keep a record of everything about the pregnancy. As well as any great information you pick up from others.

I love the ones that have a hardcover and a spiral spine as they are easier to use and do not fall apart at the spine. They are also filled with day-to-day information on all things mother and baby throughout the books to assist the mom-to-be.

3. Baby Name Book

For some mums choosing the right name for their baby can be very stressful especially if they and their partner do not agree on preferred names.

Baby name books are so helpful, not only can your imagination regarding a baby’s name be stretched. You also get the meaning and history of the name.

My partner and I had many fun nights flicking through the name books. You can see one at Amazon by clicking the image below.

4. Let’s talk about the Nausea

Better known as morning sickness. But for a large number of women, nausea can take place at any time not necessarily just in the morning.

Some pregnant women suffer from morning sickness during the whole pregnancy day and night

It really comes down to the individual as to what will work for them. The new mum will probably have to try a few before she finds the right one for her.

These are just a few ideas to help combat nausea.

Mints, Peppermints, Gin Gins, Ginger Chews, Tummy drops, and Preggo Pops are all designed to relieve nausea.

Dry Crackers – my favorites were Saltines I took them everywhere, even on my bedside table. I didn’t get out of bed until I had at least one and I sipped water with them.

Caffeine-free teas like Pink Stork or Earth Mama Organic can assist with nausea, cramps, and constipation. My favorite tea is Nordaker Naturals Organic Herbal Motherhood Tea.

When choosing tea that is caffeine-free and contains peppermint and ginger will assist with the nausea symptoms.

Morning Sickness Remedies book – a morning sickness remedy might be going to the new mother to be can choose her own assistance to relieve nausea.

5. Headaches

Tylenol is great as some of us get headaches in the first trimester due to all the hormonal changes.

6. Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is very important it helps relieve pregnancy symptoms including headaches and nausea. So a really special and meaningful water bottle she can have on hand all the time is a thoughtful gift.

7. Gift Ideas to make the expectant mother a little more comfortable

Bra extenders are awesome they can be worn with her own bras. We all love old bras that make us feel comfortable. Then she can buy brand-new lingerie for herself after the baby is born.

Belly belt extenders around the waist are great for use early in pregnancy. Money can be saved on clothing until maternity clothes are really needed later in the pregnancy.

8. Relaxation

Relaxation can sometimes be at the bottom of the list with all that there is to do to prepare for the new baby.

Relaxation will assist with many of the side effects of pregnancy.

First up soak in the warm bath using Epsom salts or bath bombs, even essential oils, like lavender, and a bath pillow.

Some beautiful essential oil-scented candles for the bath or even just to burn before bed.

Earth Mama Stretch Mark Oil or something similar there are plenty of brands on the market.

After the bath some slippers, socks, a robe maybe even a new nightgown.

Heating pads will help with the aches and pains that are on the way.

While maternity belts offer lower back and pelvic support.

9. Gift Baskets

Gift Baskets are a great gift you can either make one up yourself. Maybe get a few other friends or colleagues together and make a nice big one.

You can get a beautiful Woven Seagrass Basket delivered to you along with some of the suggested goodies on this page.

Some ideas that could go into the gift basket are pregnancy magazines, and hairbands so she can tie her hair back if nausea turns into something more.

Hairbands are also good to use with pants or skirts to increase the size around the waist in the early stages of pregnancy. You just hook around the button, loop through the hole, and pull back to the button.

Pregnant Lady morning sickness barf bags are so cute and disposable.

Sleepytime Tea – This Nordaker Naturals Organic Herbal Motherhood Tea tastes great and has wonderful benefits for moms-to-be.

Earth Mama belly oil…

If you do not live near your friend you could send an already prepared gift basket. My absolute favorite is BumpBoxes check them out at Amazon by clicking the image below.

I love these Stork Bags they are full of first-trimester essentials these bags are ever-evolving with the best and safest products for mothers and babies to be.

They are available for the first trimester, second trimester, and third trimesters. Each one comes with different items that suit that particular time of the pregnancy.

What arrives in the bags is meant to be a surprise the 1st-trimester stork bag will include things like Preggers T-Shirt, morning sickness aides, pregnancy vitamins, body butter, pregnancy book, journals, bump bars, safe nail polish, and much more.

10. Gift Cards

It really depends on your budget. If the mother-to-be is a colleague from work maybe a few of you can throw in and give the gift card together.

Gift cards are a really good choice with so many cards available now.

Here are a couple of suggestions.

House cleaning gift certificate, the house can be given a good spring clean before the nursery is prepared.

There are gift cards for prenatal massages, pedicures, or manicures. A gift card to the cinema before she cannot sit in the same position for too long.

Gift cards for lunch or dinner at her favorite restaurant.

Maternity store gift card so she can buy herself something special to wear.

If you give her a department store card she will be able to choose something for either herself, the baby, or the nursery.

Most stores have gift cards these days so the possibilities are endless.

11. Something Handmade

Some of us still love to receive something that takes a little more effort than pulling out a credit card. Handmade clothing for the baby whether knitted, crocheted, or sewn shows that you have really put some time and thought into your gift. Beanies, mittens, throws the list goes on.

Celebrating Mother and Baby

Some of us are so excited to be pregnant that we don’t fear the first trimester of our pregnancy at all.

But you should be mindful that in fact some mothers are terrified and cannot wait for the first twelve weeks to pass uneventfully. So maybe not giving this mom to be a 1st-trimester gift is a good idea.

If your friend is one of these moms to be when the 2nd trimester arrives they will finally be able to relax a little and get excited about the pregnancy. You may want to wait until this time or even the 3rd trimester to celebrate and give them a special gift.

Gift for Mother and Not Baby

Friends, family members even work colleagues often ask me “What gift can I buy my pregnant friend that is not for the baby?”

Well, I was asked so often I wrote an article just for those people – check it out below.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should You Start Buying Things When Pregnant?

Everyone will usually tell you that the first twelve weeks of the pregnancy, it is usually a safe time to start getting excited about a new baby.

What Is a Good Gift for a Pregnant Woman?

I believe the best gift for a pregnant woman or pregnant friend is one that she would truly appreciate. So if you can do a little recon by approaching your partner, family, or friend you will find out what she wants.

Final Thoughts on 1st Trimester Gifts She Will Love

Finding out a friend or loved one is pregnant is a time for celebration and gifts for mother and baby abound. 

I am certain you will have found gift ideas from the list above that I know the mother-to-be will love. Enjoy this time with your friend…

Gift ideas for someone special…